Take the next step in "living liberation": Watch the LibrePlanet 2022 videos today!
This year, we set out to make another one-of-a-kind experience out of the third weekend in March. LibrePlanet 2022: "Living Liberation" was a resounding success. Participants socialized using our online conference space, LibreAdventure, and created beautiful things in Minetest. Stalwart and Supporter level attendees joined the LibrePlanet after-party with staff and board members, which was a blast. Both Saturday and Sunday featured a wide range of speakers covering how nearly every topic you can think of relates to one common concept: free software.

This year's videos
This year, we have been working hard to get the videos published closer to the event, and this time, we managed within a week! The LibrePlanet 2022 program page has links to all recorded videos, audio, and accompanying slides. You can watch them on MediaGoblin, in the LibrePlanet archives, and on the FSF's PeerTube channel.
This year's LibrePlanet consisted of three video streams and conference tracks running simultaneously, and was conducted, recorded, and livestreamed with a free "as in freedom" software stack, down to the BIOS level.
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) team have put our heads together and have selected a few of our favorites from this year's LibrePlanet program for you to start with, brought to you in a format free from Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) and unencumbered by software patents.
Our picks
The following are some of the talks that were highlighted by FSF staff. That said, if we were to give you all sessions that were flagged as favorites, we would just list them all, so our advice is to take time to watch all the amazing talks and speakers that joined us for the conference.
Anjandev Momi gave us an overview of Sxmo, a simple and hackable interface for mobile phones running free operating systems.
Greta Goetz, whose talk introduced ways to counteract "dark patterns" and digital tracking by countering them with design approaches that promote digital freedom.
Hundred Rabbits, our Sunday keynote, who shared with us their experiences of using and writing free software, and joined the conference from "Pino," their trusty houseboat.
Marleen Stikker, our Saturday keynote, who spoke on the need to bring good and lasting ethical values to the Internet.
Manufactura Independente, longtime LibrePlanet speakers, gave another interesting talk on how to use the command line for graphic design.
Paul Eggert, winner of the 2021 Free Software Award for Advancement in Free Software, who shared with us the ins-and-outs of his work on the timezone database, a vital component in helping free software "run on time."
Protesilaos Stavrou, winner of the 2021 Free Software Award for Outstanding New Free Software Contributor reflecting on how GNU Emacs helps him live in freedom.
Rubén Rodríguez, former FSF chief technology officer, hosted a talk about approaching his medical issues with free virtual reality implementations.
As mentioned before, these are just a few of the interesting and varied subjects discussed at this year's LibrePlanet. Please have a look at the entire collection of 2022 videos and photos for hours of viewing pleasure. And if you really can't get enough, you can scroll down to the archives, where you can revisit the 2021 videos, photos, and much more.
If you prefer listening to viewing, then fire up your favorite free podcasting app, and listen to LibrePlanet!
The audio from this year's informative and inspirational talks is now available. We have uploaded the sessions in conjunction with an RSS feed you can import into your favorite podcasting app or RSS reader, enabling you to listen using a free podcast app like AntennaPod via Android, or gPodder, if you are on a desktop computer.
We're so grateful for the participation of all of our speakers and attendees, and we hope that next year, in person or online (or both!), we'll come together again to learn, discuss, debate, and celebrate the fight for software freedom. Every new user or programmer who adopts free software marks a victory, but we've got a long way to go before all software is free, and we'll only reach that goal together.
We look forward to welcoming you again in 2023 -- and hopefully in person!
Screenshot Copyright © 2022 Free Software Foundation, photo licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.