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A short recap of RMS’s recent adventures

by Jeanne Rasata Contributions Published on Nov 14, 2013 05:42 PM

Richard M. Stallman continued to maintain a punishing travel schedule this past semester, advocating for free software in places as far south as the Tropic of Capricorn and farther north than the Polar Circle. In spite of the usual month-long end-of-year lull in his engagements, he managed in the past six months to cover over 66,350 miles, to give 47 speeches and attend workshops, meetings and panels in 37 cities across thirteen countries, all while working a full day every day to stay on top of correspondence.

He delivered the keynote speeches at a number of conferences in Brazil, Spain, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, the US, Poland, Norway, and Switzerland, and was a guest of honor at the launching of Fundaţia Ceata, a Romanian foundation promoting free software and free culture. His highly anticipated visit to Niort and Poitiers, in western France, happily coincided with the publication of the second edition of the French translation of his biography Free as in Freedom, Richard Stallman et la révolution du logiciel libre,1 copies of which he was able to autograph after his speeches there.

1Paris: Eyrolles, 2013.

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