Meet the Free Software Community
The free software community is a worldwide movement dedicated to the goal of freedom in the use of technology. This diverse community is made up of programmers, designers, writers and everyday advocates who contribute to make and promote software that respects our freedoms.
What are these people's motivations for working on free software? Why is community and sharing so important? Why should everyone be using free software? Can I be part of the free software movement?
We thought we would put these questions to a cross-section of people from the free software community, and allow them, in their own words, to explain to you what free software is all about.
And the answer to the question, can I be part of the free software movement? It's a resounding yes! The first step is to sign-up for the Free Software Supporter, for news and activities and ways to connect with other free software enthusiasts in your area!
- Bastien Guerry of Etalab
- Adrien Béraud and Sébastien Blin of GNU Jami
- Protesilaos Stavrou
- Ali Abdulghani
- Alper Atmaca
- Micky Metts
- Michael Stenta
- Sacha Chua
- Pouhiou
- Jim Garrett
- Chris Blizzard
- Nagarjuna G
- Matt Mullenweg
- Osama Khalid
- Felipe Sanches
- Marina Zhurakhinskaya